Title of course: Art, Education & Entrepreneurship
Teaching period: September 3-6 2019
Organized by Aalto Arts in collaboration with Aalto Ventures
Program and Teaching Lab, partnering with the City of Helsinki
ECTS: 2-3, Number of available place for EDDA students: 5
Level: BA3 and MA1-2
Application deadline: June 16 2019
How to apply: Send a short motivation and CV to Jaana Brinck (jaana.brinck@aalto.fi) with the subject line “Art, Education & Entrepreneurship application”. Jaana will also be giving additional information on the course if and when needed.
Applicants will be informed about the selection by June 20 2019.
Course description: Join this unique intensive course to explore the opportunities in Art, Education and Entrepreneurship for more artistic, creative and student-oriented learning. You will work in international, multitalented teams of Aalto University with development challenge provided by the City of Helsinki. Get familiar with entrepreneurial thinking in a relaxed and friendly setting.
Through practical design work, case examples and expert speakers you will:
- Explore and develop entrepreneurial spirit and business ideas together with your peers.
- Ideate a creative product or service concept for educational field.
- Get feedback on your ideas from peers, experts and professionals.
- Discuss with your fellow students and learn about their experiences as entrepreneurs.
- Learn multidisciplinary team work and creative design skills.
Students accepted for the course are eligible for an EDDA grant of 400 EUR to cover travel and accommodation costs and they will get information on how to proceed with their acceptance messages.