Internal EDDA Norden CALL for intensive course and development project applications for the Nordplus 2021 application.
Send your application to the EDDA Norden coordinator jaana.brinc(at) by 8.1.2021.
Please, look Nordplus handbook 2021 (pages 28-36) for more detailed information.
Include to your application
For intensive courses:
Intensive course description (IC application form)
IC Budget file
For development projects:
Project description (DP application form)
DP Budget file
The applications are attached as part of the EDDA Norden network application for Nordplus (DL 1.2.2020), and proposals will be evaluated by Nordplus.
The Nordplus Handbook 2018–2022
Intensive courses
Nordplus Higher Education awards grants for intensive courses lasting between one week (five working days) and one month. Courses may take place during term time or in the summer by way of short courses, symposiums, master classes or workshops.
Intensive courses must include students and academic staff from at least three different countries. The courses must yield ECTS points and must be recognised as part of the students’ degree. The number of ECTS points should be stated in the application.
PhD students may act as teachers on intensive courses. They are not eligible for a grant if they are students in the programme. The same intensive course can be granted Nordplus funding for three consecutive years but annual applications must be submitted. It is recommended that the hosting institution is rotated. (Nordplus handbook 2021, p. 34).
Development projects
Nordplus Higher Education offers grants for innovative development projects within the field of Higher Education. For cross-sector projects, networks are recommended to apply the Nordplus Horizontal programme. Apart from joint curriculum planning and joint modules, projects may focus on issues such as:
– Collaboration with the labour market
– Quality assurance
– The dissemination and use of results achieved by networks and projects
– The development of collaborations with other institutions in the public or private sectors as well as non-governmental organisations (NGOs) within Higher Education
– The development of new teaching methods.
The same project can be granted Nordplus funding for three consecutive years but annual applications must be submitted.
Funding for project activities and network meetings
Nordplus grants should be seen as a contribution towards the actual cost of activities in the participating countries. From call 2021, grants for project activities and network meetings are allocated according to fixed unit costs for travel, subsistence and organisational support, if applicable. The purpose of the organisational support is to cover administrative costs which may be any type of costs of implementing, coordinating and participating in a project activity. Beneficiaries have full flexibility to move funds between budget categories within the overall grant. (Nordplus handbook 2021, p. 37)